Top 10 Nutrition Trends in 2022

Nevena Banov
4 min readFeb 11, 2022

Looking back on 2021, there have been quite a few events that have altered the mindset of many of us and inspired us to make some changes in our lives, including our food choices. Maybe you have cut down your consumption of meat or processed foods, or you have educated yourself about the impacts your nutrition decisions have. While making these changes for myself, I found myself asking: Is it only me changing, or is this a worldwide trend? How are we perceiving food in 2022 as a society?

Nutrition Hub answered this question a few weeks ago. Nutrition Hub is the groundbreaking knowledge platform for future nutrition topics curated by leading nutrition experts. After interviewing over 100 nutrition experts, they summarized their findings in a trend report, showcasing the top 10 trends in 2022.

1. Climate-friendly and sustainable eating

For a growing number of consumers, the regionality and the sustainability of their foods are more important than their health impact. The rising popularity of vegetarian and vegan recipes can hardly be overlooked. This change can also be seen in communal feeding (like schools or canteens), where menus are not only offering more vegetables but also becoming adjusted to the season and region.

Photo by Roam In Color on Unsplash

2. Vegan and plant-based nutrition

The demand for healthy plant-based foods is continuing to grow at a steady pace. In addition, more and more parents are searching for guidance on if and how their children can safely have a vegan diet.

3. Online nutrition counseling

The COVID pandemic has accelerated the development of online sessions, which are now widely accepted. Through virtual solutions, connecting with a certified nutritionist and receiving nutrition advice are just a few clicks away. The location of your nutritionist matters less and less.

Photo by Pablo Merchán Montes on Unsplash

4. Awareness for healthy eating

More and more people are understanding the importance of a balanced diet in their life and are consciously reflecting on their eating habits. Intentional eating is on the rise as more people begin to understand that healthy eating is not about going on a diet but about having a long-lasting, wholesome relationship with food.

5. Personalized nutrition

Having been the standard for professional athletes for decades, personalized nutrition is a growing market, since it is increasingly wanted by “normal” people. Using devices that monitor our body functions are becoming common sense and they are getting better and more precise by the day as AI and digital applications develop. To function properly, it is crucial that the latest data from the health, food, science, and technology industry interlink soundly.

6. Convenience food and healthy takeaway meals

Through lockdowns and home offices, the demand for food-delivery services has risen. But as sustainability, health and good taste are growing in importance, consumers are scanning what’s on the ingredient list with a critical eye. This encourages food companies to optimize their products.

7. Probiotics: Nourishment for the gut

Digestive problems are no longer a taboo subject and so the awareness of our gut health is growing. With more questions about our microbiome, the research on it is also expanding and discovering further useful essentials about the gut, which is also called our “second brain”.

8. Diet myths and nutritional fake news

Social Media has become the number one source of information for many people, leaving many of them confused and misinformed. That is why people are seeking trustworthy information on nutrition, discounting obvious influencer marketing.

Photo by Vitalii Pavlyshynets on Unsplash

9. Work-Food-Balance: Corporate Wellness

Companies are increasingly understanding that they can get more attractive to potential job applicants by supporting the health of their employees. One big topic is plant-based protein sources and the question if meat and fish are really necessary for a balanced lifestyle.

10. Nutrition education in nurseries and schools

With the number of full-time childcare facilities improving the quality cookery in these places is playing a significant role. That’s why local authorities are encouraging and supporting projects that teach our children the basics of a healthy lifestyle and eating culture. Interactive apps and online resources back this approach.

What do you think of these trends? Which ones do you notice in your day-to-day life? Which ones did surprise you? Is there a trend that hasn’t been mentioned? Share your thoughts in the comments below! And if you want to dive deeper, you can review the report here.



Nevena Banov

Curious girl who wants to learn more about this awesome place called earth